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F4EClim at SESAR Innovation Days 2024

The F4EClim project participated in SESAR Innovation Days 2024, held in Rome from November 12–15 and hosted by Aeroporti di Roma, ENAV, and Leonardo. The SIDs, an event focusing on exploratory research while also showcasing results from industrial research and demonstrations, has become one of the main highlights in the European aeronautical research calendar. The F4EClim team did not want to miss the opportunity to engage in discussions about the groundbreaking innovations that will shape the future of Europe’s air transport system.

F4EClim team next to project poster

At the event, we presented the F4EClim poster, highlighting three main objectives of the project:

  • Improve algorithmic climate change functions (aCCFs) to represent different seasons, geographic regions and confidence intervals. 

  • Explore the potential for mitigating aviation’s climate impact considering its uncertainties by creating advanced flight planning algorithms to identify robust, climate-optimized trajectories.

  • Provide aviation stakeholders with recommendations and supportive measures to implement eco-efficient aircraft trajectories.

In addition to showcasing our poster, F4EClim coordinator Sigrun Matthes took part in Plenary Session 1: "Making Europe the most efficient and environmentally friendly sky to fly in the world" on November 13. During this insightful panel, she emphasized the importance of mitigating the climate effects of aircraft through trajectory planning, an area where F4EClim’s contributions will be crucial.

Presenters at plenary session 1

SESAR Innovation Days 2024 provided an excellent platform to introduce the F4EClim project, engage with experts, and explore strategies for a more sustainable aviation future.

We hope to see you at SESAR Innovation Days 2025 in Ljubljana!

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The project is supported by the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking and its members under grant agreement No 101167020. 

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